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2021 Plant Sale Updates

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

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Update 6/04/2021

We've collected the totals from the plant sale and again just want everyone to know how impressive the 2021 Online Plant sale was.

  • 146 volunteers participated in the 2021 plant sale – 55% of all active RCMG volunteers

  • Volunteers recorded 1440 hours between January 1st and June 1st

  • The plant sale made $12,996 through sales

    • $4,485 in expenses

    • $721 in refunds

    • $8,026 in profit

There were a lot of lessons learned from selling this way and already there are ideas brewing about ways to improve for the 2022 plant sale. (Which will be held in-person!)

We hope everyone is proud of what we've done as a group and are eager to help next year. You can sign-up to join the 2022 Plant Sale Committee now and help pick plants later this fall and let us know if you're willing to help grow plants next spring using the SignUp Genius page.

Update 5/17/2021

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the 2021 RCMG Plant Sale! Whether you sorted and mailed seeds, started seeds, divided houseplants, wrote descriptions, called volunteers or shoppers, created or shared marketing messages, collected boxes, or helped on the set-up days or pick-up day, you made a difference and we thank you.

When we started talking in December 2020 about hosting a virtual plant sale with contactless pick-up, we had no idea what was ahead. This was a new experience for all of us and there were many challenges along the way, but we met those challenges and learned a lot. Our primary goals were to (1) provide educational and volunteer experiences for our members and (2) create an opportunity to work together in a COVID-safe environment.

Watching our members work with each other toward a common goal and being able to spend time in-person with other Master Gardener volunteers after so many months apart made it feel like we met our goals. We hope you feel the same way!


The plant sale would not have become a reality without the support of Darren Lochner, approval from the State Master Gardener Office and the hard work, creativity and determination of the amazing members of the Plant Sale Committee: Cheryl Brady, Brianna Gohde, Nanette Boudreau, Mary Parenteau, Linda Minter, Joe Baltrukonis, Jennifer Porwit, Tammy Walsky, Tawny Hoeger-Lerdal, Christopher Beal, Sanna Mairet, Stacy Sola, Chris Strong and Kay Wimer.

Thanks to the RCMG volunteers who made the plant sale possible!

Amanda Jackson Wilber, Amy Davis, Amy Jacky, Angela Hawkins, Ann Wolfe, Ashley Pethan, Barb Frederick, Barbara Letourneau, Becky Rude, Beth Fritcher, Beth Jackson, Betty Biernat, Bill Pederson, Brenda Anderson-Moser, Brenda Wells, Brianna Gohde, Brittany Mcardell, Caitlin Brewer, Cami Raeburn, Camilla Dreasher, Carla Olson, Carol Lantto, Caroline Lemen, Carolyn Cherry, Carrie Noble, Cees Duijndam, Cherie Boen, Cheryl Brady, Chris Beal, Chris Kraft, Chris Stevens, Christine Strong, Claire Warren, Colleen Bergstrom, Cynthia Anderson, Dan Peterson, Danielle Cabot, Danita Peterson, Deon Haider, Diane Dodge, Donna Andersen, Donna Hall, Ed Shinbach, Eileen Brinkman, Elaine Noel, Elisa Iha, Elizabeth Lorentz, Ellen Tveit, Emily Flagstad, Emma Porter, Fabienne Bridges, Frank Dolejsi, Fun Fun Cheng, Gail Lee, Gene Ranieri, Gerald Kluthe, Gretchen Hesli, Helen Weber, Jacob Sugerman, Jamie Aussendorf, Jan Fransen, Jane Carlstrom, Jean Bentley, Jean Kohs, Jenna Strank, Jennifer Daul, Jennifer Porwit, Jenny Krol, Jenny Werness, Jessica Donaldson, Joe Baltrokonis, Judi Petkau, Judie Ginter, Juliana Forster, Julie Coopet, Julie Johnson, Julie Wegscheid, Justine Greene, Kara Nygaard, Karen Randall, Kathleen Stokes, Kathy Passe, Kay Wimer, Kelly Greco, Kimberly Anderson-Uzpen, Kris Ranieri, Kristin Thomanschefsky, Krystal Morley, Laran Brandt, Laura Hansen, Laurel Watt, Lesley Perg, Linda Minter, Lindsey Foley, Linnea Tani, Lisa Pearson, Liz Goebl, Liz O'Toole, Lori Anderson, Maddy Kaudy, Marcus Phelps-Munson, Mariah Sachs, Marlys Daugherty, Martha Grant, Mary Bejblik, Mary Montagne, Mary Parenteau, Melissa Andersen, Michele Johnson, Morgan Weinert, Nancy Berry, Nancy Glass, Nanette Boudreau, Nate Galloway, Nilgun Tuna, Pam Kellenberger, Paula St John, Roger Hintze, Rosemary Brady-Cook, Sandy McDonald, Sanna Mairet, Sara Quinn, Sarah Broughton, Sharon O'Connor, Sherryl Livingston, Shobhana Rao, Simba Blood, Stacy Sola, Sue Grigal, Sue Mason, Sue Stein, Sue Vonbank, Suellen Campbell, Susan Cathey, Susan Mason, Susan Mitchell, Susan Oven, Susan Von Mosch, Sylvia Cuellar, Tamara Walsky, Tawny Hoeger-Lerdal, Terry Smith, Tiffa Foster, Tina Frederickson, Tricia Mason, Victoria Morris, Yarira Serrano

*Names in bold are part of the 2021 Plant Sale Committee

Handouts & Printed Materials

Here are PDFs of the handouts we distributed to customers at the sale. Each order included a packet of information for them to read at home.

  • Thank You for Shopping

  • Jumping Worm Factsheet (written by Morgan Weinert and Tiff Foster)

  • Hardening-off and Transplanting Recommendations

  • Garden QA Live postcard

Update 4/12/2021

In late March, we confirmed the plant sale sorting and pick-up location. Holy Childhood Parish in St Paul (1435 Midway Parkway St. Paul, MN 55108) is letting us use their space. With the location confirmed, we were able to complete and submit the required (and extensive) COVID-19 Safety Precation plan to the Extension state office. It took a lot of work and patience. We recently received approval of our exemption request! The sale is officially approved!

A Signup Genius invite will be sent out soon for the many volunteer positions we'll need to set-up, receive-and-sorting plants, and fill-and-confirm sale orders (Tuesday, May 11-Friday, May 14) and then more openings to to direct traffic, fill contactless pickups, and clean-up (Saturday, May 15). Please consider getting involved in this great project - hope to see you there!

We are now 15 days away from the start of our 2021 online Plant Sale! This has been an incredible task and I want to thank all of the dedicated volunteers who have been working hard to make it happen.

  • The Plant Sale Committee – Joe Baltrukonis, Linda Minter, Mary Parenteau, Jennifer Porwit – who are coordinating all of the plants that we will have for sale

  • The Web Team – Chris Beal and Sanna Mairet – who have redesigned the website so we can sell plants online

  • The Communications Committee – Nanette Boudreau and Stacy Sola – who are coordinating our public messages and image creation

  • The Garden Journalists – Cynthia Anderson, Fun Fun Cheng, Tiffa Foster, Liz Goebl, Krystal Morley, Danita Peterson, Becky Rude, Sue Stein, Terry Smith, Ellen Tveit, Laurel Watt – who are writing plant descriptions for our online catalog

  • Program Leadership – Darren Lochner and Brianna Gohde – who have helped guide the COVID-19 Safety Precation and Exemption plan through the University.

  • The countless RCMG Volunteer Growers who have started seeds and divided houseplants for the sale.

Update 3/08/2021

Thanks to all who have volunteered to start seeds and propagate houseplants for our 2021 Plant Sale – the response has been amazing! Plan to start your warm-season seeds indoors before the end of March. If you are starting cool-season plants, consider winter sowing them outside (also in March).

  • Volunteers Tammy, Tawny, Joe and Jennifer are currently sorting and mailing the seeds that Master Gardeners have volunteered to grow.

  • An email will be sent out as soon as the pots and soil are available for pickup from the Diagnostic Center in front of the Barn.

  • If you are growing plants from your own list, please email a description of the plant and a picture (if you have one) to Brianna Gohde.

A big THANKS to Jennifer Porwit for her workshop on starting tomatoes from seed. If you were not able to attend that workshop, you can watch the recording on the Continuing Education page.

Many more volunteers will be needed to help with accepting and sorting donated plants and then filling and confirming orders in May. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 11 - Friday, May 14 (preparation) and Saturday, May 15 (contact-less pickup). Please watch your email for a Signup Genius and consider getting involved!

For questions about the plant sale, check out the Volunteer FAQ page for the sale.

Update 2/11/2021

In January and February, the Plant Sale Committtee focused on the inventory for this new sale. With an interest in gardening at an all time high, the need to order plant starts and seeds early is critical.

Members will notice that the inventory for our 2021 Plant Sale is going to look a little different this year. Most noticeable, we will NOT be accepting any landscape plant donations (including divided perennials, like hostas, daylilies, and other common outdoor plants). The Plant Sale Committee decided that this was the responsible thing to do in order to slow the spread of Jumping Worm. (Read more about this pest on the Extension website.) This pest has been identified in Ramsey County and there are currently no known controls.

The Plant Sale Committee has identified which plants we will buy as seedlings, plugs, and mature plants. We have also identified which plants need to be grown from seed. We are also looking to increase the number of houseplants for sale. We need as many Master Gardener volunteers as possible to help grow-out the plants for our sale. Check out these sign-ups to help.

If you have never grown plants from seeds, there will be 2 online classes in February for those who want to learn more about starting tomatoes and about seed starting in general. Jennifer Porwitt has written a manual (link below) to help those growing tomato starts; other Master Gardener volunteers are happy to help advise you.

  • Tomato Starting (taught by Jennifer Porwit) – Wednesday, February 24 at 7:00 p.m.

  • All About Seeds (offered by the Speakers Bureau) – Saturday, February 27 at Noon

Please consider getting involved to grow plants from seed or propagate houseplants. Our plant sale funds a significant proportion of our community outreach projects; we can't do it without your help!

Cheryl Brady

2021 Plant Sale Committee Chair

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