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August 2024 Volunteer News & Updates


August 2024 Volunteer News

Alexa Deppeler, Kathy Fryxell and Roger Hintze teach visitors about Creeping Bellflower at the Downtown St Paul Farmers Market (Photo by Jayme Neverton)

News to Know

Star Tribune Article

Volunteers may have seen the article in the Star Tribune on 8/06 about the name of the Master Gardener Volunteer Program. Because this is a federal and statewide volunteer program, the state leadership team has asked that all questions and comments about this topic be directed to them. You can send your messages to

Alternate Volunteer Badge

As a reminder, RCMG is able to provide name badges that omit the term "Master Gardener" to better serve our communities. To request a generic "Volunteer" badge to use when serving in the community, please complete this form. Temporary, sticker versions of the badge design can be made available to volunteers serving on specific projects.

Request a T-shirt—Open Until 9/01

If you joined the Master Gardener program before 2020 and didn't receive a maroon Extension t-shirt during your internship, fill in this form before 9/01/2024 to request a shirt.


We are a volunteer-run organization. We make it succeed or fail. Remember, if you are not able to attend a volunteer activity that you signed up for, please use the Strategies for Finding a Substitute to make sure your volunteer peers have the help they need to succeed. 

New MG Enrollment Open—Aug. 1-Oct. 1

The MN Master Gardener program is now accepting applications for new volunteers! (Enrollment runs from 8/01-10/01).Word of mouth is the best way to expand our RCMG community. If you know someone with a passion for gardening and community service, please invite them to apply!

Board Blurb

The RCMG Board of Directors Meeting was held on August 13, 2024 and shared updates from the Communications Committee, Finance Committee, Education Committee, New Membership Committee, Program Coordinator and Board Leadership. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2024.

Lost and Found

There are a number of lost-and-found items from the 2024 plant sale that haven't been claimed. If you are missing something, please contact Julie Bechtold ( to claim your item(s).

Give to the Max 2024—11/21

Give To The Max Day is Thursday, November 21st - please keep this online fundraiser in mind when considering your year-end gifting and donations. 

Volunteer Stories

Creeping Bellflower Removal Mission

It sounds like everyone is battling Creeping Bellflower this year. Kathy Fryxell challenged visitors at the St Paul farmers market in July. (see image above) In the Como neighborhood, Julie Ann shares the steps she's taken in her campaign to raise awareness of the hard-to-kill plant in her neighborhood.  The Star Tribune interviewed Julie Ann about her efforts and helped spread the word about how to control this aggressive plant. 

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Spotted!

Congratulations to Tiffa Foster, who found a Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis) in her backyard in July! She was able to get a photo of it and it was just verified on Bumblebee Watch. Woohoo! This is the third year 2020, 2021, and now 2024 that she’s spotted the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee on her Joe Pye Weed. Participating in citizen science activities like this is a great way to share your gardening skills and knowledge with the wider scientific community.

Camp Teranga’s Best Year Yet!

Camp Teranga, a five-week summer camp for youth in grades K-6, enjoyed is most successful year since 2019 because of the collaboration among Arts Us, RCMG, the Children’s Garden in Residence program, and the Extension Food Nutrition Education program, including a field trip to the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska

Barn Garden Gate Tour

In July, the Barn Demonstration Gardens Committee hosted a Garden Gate Tour that, in addition to RCMG volunteers, was open to interested members of the community. This was a start to the Committee’s long-range goal of bringing more people from the community into the garden space to learn about what we do and to provide opportunities for gardening education and hands-on learning.

Little Green Friends Mental Health Helpers

A year ago, St. Paul Children’s Hospital opened an inpatient unit for children needing care for their mental health. Thus far, RCMG’s My Little Green Friends team are the only volunteers approved to visit these children. 

RCMG Strategic Plan

The RCMG nonprofit corporation is still hard at work on their 2025-2027 strategic planning. Thank you to the committee chairs and project leads who participated in the July 15th brainstorming session, and to our strategic planning committee for their work on data collection questions and recommendations. The RCMG Board of Directors is reviewing a draft of a vision, mission and guiding principles that will help narrow our focus areas and goals. 

The Last Garden in England (Book Review)

The RCMG Book Club read and discussed The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly at the July discussion on 7/30. The book was an excellent historical fiction that shed a light on the history of women in the world of horticulture from 1907-present. You can borrow a copy for continuing education credits but please remember to return books to the RCMG Lending Library once you complete them. 

Volunteer Activities

New volunteer activities are announced on Thursday mornings and Sunday nights. If you are not receiving SignUp Genius notices, please contact Brianna Gohde

NEW RCCF Orchard Project—8/24

Starting this fall, RCMG has a wonderful new opportunity to play a role in bringing new life to a somewhat neglected orchard. If you are interested in seeing what it is all about, join us on August 24 from 9-11 AM to harvest the earliest apples, get a look at the orchard, and show your interest! Watch SignUp Genius for more opportunities to get involved.

State Fair Q&A Booth–8/22-9/02

If you would like to take a shift at the State Fair, sign up ASAP! Shifts are filling fast! At this time we ask that you sign up for one shift only. Tickets will be mailed two weeks prior to the Fair. 

Yard and Garden Phone Line—8/26-9/01

Answer resident’s garden questions from home by signing up for a shift through the Arboretum’s Yard & Garden hotline. Shifts are reserved for RCMG volunteers from August 26 through September 01. These are excellent opportunities to volunteer remotely and build your garden knowledge at your own pace.

Farmers Markets

Our tables at the farmers markets need more volunteers. The events run through early October and we’re expecting lots of garden questions to come in with the garden harvests. If you haven’t signed up for a shift, we hope you can join us for one before the season ends! 

Intern & Mentor Celebration—9/29

As the summer gardening season comes to a close, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the hard work and dedication you've put towards the 2024 internships. To celebrate your efforts, we're hosting a RCMG Intern & Mentor Celebration! RSVP to join us!

Continuing Education Opportunities

Find approved opportunities to learn more on the RCMG website, the State MG Volunteer website, the MN Landscape Arboretum, or through Extension. Check with the program coordinator about other local events and learning opportunities.

August Garden Test Your Knowledge

Brush up on the following horticulture topics this month to be prepared to answer questions from residents and community members. Take the August Test!

  1. Many residents are reporting that the leaves on their lilac shrubs are turning brown and dying. What is happening? What should residents know?

  2. What should a person do if they have Canada thistle growing on their property?

  3. What insect is this? (Click for image)

  4. How do you prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and other fruiting vegetables?

  5. What is the access code for the Resource Center?

August Member Meeting—8/20

Join us for the August RCMG monthly meeting on Tue 8/20. This hybrid meeting will be both online and in-person at the McNeely Conservatory (part of Como Conservatory). Our guest speakers, Ariel Dressler and Bekah Hanes will take you back in time to explore the origins and evolution of Marjorie McNeely Conservatory and walk us through the process of they time crop production, grow diverse flowers, design original displays, and install half a dozen unique flower shows a year in the sunken garden. Space is limited; RSVP today!

Garden Gate Tour–8/11, 8/15, 8/18 & More

Visit a garden grown by other RCMG members this summer! Get inspired, share gardening advice or just enjoy the view of the garden and yard they have developed. Space is limited and varies by the garden.

RCMG Book Club: Nature Obscura—9/24

The next RCMG Book club discusses Nature Obscura by Kelly Brenner on Tuesday 9/24. There are copies of this book available through the RCMG Lending Library, and other copies available through the public library. Sign-up to join the discussion.

Central Regional Gathering–10/26

Register for the 2024 Central Region Gathering! Extension Educator Julie Weisenhorn will present “Plant selection: Right plant, Right place, Right purpose” and Extension Educator Jennie Wagner will introduce a new Master Gardener Hot Topic: “Ecosystem-Supportive Plant Selection.” This event is hosted by the Master Gardener State Advisory Board.


Quick Links

RCMG Resources

Extension Resources

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