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Board Blurb: June 2022

Updated: Jun 16, 2022


June 14, 2022 RCMG Board of Directors Meeting The June Board Meeting was held on 6/14/2022 via Zoom. The next board meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2022 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. This meeting will be held on Zoom. These meetings are open to all volunteers.

Special Updates

Fidelity Investment Initiative

The Board was asked to consider other funding sources for the new RCMG Grant Program to begin in 2023. The group of volunteers working on this proposal have suggested a plan for using a portion of the earnings each year from the Fidelity account. Given that earnings on these accounts everywhere are doing poorly right now, the Board is seeking information on the history of the Fidelity account as well as more detailed budget information for 2023 before making a final decision on how to fund this new program.

Committee Updates

Education Committee Update

Jane Carlstrom reported that the speaker for the June 21st meeting will be Carrol Henderson presenting on “Hummingbirds of America” at the Roseville Oval and on Zoom. Also, summer Garden Gate Tours begin on Thursday, June 16th, and RCMG are encouraged to sign up to attend these special opportunities.

New Member Committee Update

Kay Wimer gave a detailed update on the progress of the 2022 RCMG interns. Also, an Interest and Aptitude Survey will be released just before the June 21st meeting. All RCMG are encouraged to respond.

Communications Committee Update

The growing Communication Committee of 16 members with a wealth of expertise and talent is embarking on several projects to promote the RCMG program. Stats on their social media efforts show that we have more followers and that they are particularly engaged as measured by Click through Rates. Improved signage is underway for the Barn Gardens, and the video is moving toward completion. New bookmarks, business cards, and tent banners are also being developed.

Plant Sale Committee Update

To All of Our Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteers,

  • Who worked before or during the plant sale;

  • Who donated those outstanding & lovely plants for the sale;

  • Who advertised or in any other way did outreach for the plant sale;

  • Who volunteers as Plant Sale Coordinators;

The RCMG Board wants to sincerely THANK YOU for making the 2022 Plant Sale a success! You are the ones who make this plant sale a terrific event for the Ramsey County community despite the continuing pandemic restrictions and scares, the strangely cold spring weather that shortened the hardening-off period for plants started from seed,

We saw an endless stream of shoppers who wanted great advice and help to grow their new plants, and you responded! You set-up the tables, signs, cash registers, and question booths with the shoppers' needs in mind, and clean it up in record breaking time after the sale to help our host, Holy Childhood Church. Your goodwill is unmeasurable, days of camaraderie, catching up, and smiles!!!

Great work one and all!

Don't forget to share your feedback so we can prepare and improve the sale in 2023. If you want to be part of the Plant Sale Team, we would love to have you join us.

Leadership Updates

Secretary Update

Laurel Watt, our Interim Secretary, presented the May 2022 Board Meeting Minutes, which were approved.

Treasurer Update

Kathy Passe, our Interim Treasurer, presented the May Monthly Transaction Report and May Bank Statement, which was approved. She also provided a summary of the plant sale expenses and income.

Program Coordinator Update

Darren continues to update program supplies and will be following up with 2022 interns who have not yet finished the core course or have not yet logged volunteer hours. An alternative name tag has been designed with the State Program’s approval for selected activities where the Master Gardener title is deemed problematic. A continuing concern where the Board was asked for input is the dilemma of managing “no-shows” for SUG events and volunteer opportunities.

Board Chair Update

The Board will receive Google Drive training with a University of Minnesota IT specialist. This will be recorded for committees and other RCMG members to view as needed.


2022 Board Leadership: Nate Galloway (Chair), Sandy McDonald (Vice Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Amy Davis (Treasurer), Jane Carlstrom (Education Co-Chair), Sue Ellen Campbell (Education Co-Chair), Judi Ginter (Membership Co-Chair), Kay Wimer (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program


2020 White Bear Ave. Maplewood MN 55109

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