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Board Blurb: October 2024


Prepared by Gretchen Hesli (2024 RCMG Secretary)

Summary for the September RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The RCMG Board of Directors Meeting was held on October 8, 2024 on Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2024. Board meetings are open to all volunteers.


Committee Updates

Plant Sale Committee Update – Cheryl Brady

Cheryl updated the Board on the committee’s ongoing work in preparation for the 2025 Plant Sale which will be held for the second year at the Aldrich Arena. Molly O’Rourke has joined Cheryl as co-lead. Monthly meetings are being held with team leaders. A volunteer is needed to take over the RCMG member pre-sale. If interested please contact Cheryl. If no one comes forward the presale will not happen in 2025.

Communications Committee Update – Nanette Boudreau

Thanks to the efforts of Stacy Sola our RCMG corporation has secured non-profit status for two subscriptions used extensively by MarCom (Canva and Flikr), saving us significant expense. Good job Stacy!

Among the many activities this group is working on:

  • The Give To The Max fundraising campaign which will take place on Thursday, November 21st.

  • Three educational signs for the Dunning Park Flowering Lawn project.

  • A redesign of the website to include more accessibility and a better experience from mobile devices.

Education Committee Update – Simba Blood

As reported last month, the Education team has confirmed speakers for January through March, 2025 and set a general outline for the remainder of next year.

A dedication event was held on October 6th at Lilac Hill in Roseville Central Park where three trees were planted in memory of Emma Porter and Troy Sabean, RCMG volunteers. Signs will be installed at the site naming the tree variety and the two deceased volunteers. Family members attended and were touched by this effort on the part of RCMG.

Finance Committee Update – Laura Savin

Laura presented a slightly revised New Projects Grant Program Policy which was approved by the Board. The policy intends to distribute some of the earning from the Fidelity investment account, while maintaining at least $50,000 of the principal. In January of each year available funds will be announced. Applicants must first have a project approved by the Program Coordinator. The Finance Committee will review and award grants. This is an exciting initiative which hopes to spur some creative projects which traditionally are not included in our budget. More information will follow.

Membership Committee Update – Karen Randall

We have 80 applicants for the 2025 Master Gardener program. Interviews are scheduled to take place between October 15th and 22nd. We are still in need of volunteers to assist with the interview process. Please check the SUG for this activity and sign up if able.


Leadership Updates

Secretary Update – Gretchen Hesli

The September Board Minutes were approved.

Treasurer Update– Kathy Passe

Kathy presented the September Treasurer’s Report, which was approved.

Program Coordinator Update – Darren Lochner

The RCMG Program Volunteer Satisfaction Survey has been sent to all RCMG members. This is an anonymous survey. Please open and respond as your opinions matter! A Volunteer Skills and Interest Survey is planned for early 2025.

An Awards Ceremony will again be held in early 2025. In addition to our two traditional awards (Leonard Gloeb and Ralph Thrane) Darren has come up with a handful more! Planning starts soon.

Chair and Vice-Chair Report

Vice-Chair Report – Kay Wimer

Kay has determined that we can make do with an existing file cabinet currently stored at the Barn to hold our paper documents, rather than purchasing an expensive and heavy fire file. We will scan and store documents in several ways to assure we have all the copies we need.

Chair Report– Julie Bechtold

Sadly a 2022 intern and member of MarCom, Ann Kulenkamp, passed away in April. A donation will be sent in her honor to Como Friends, per her wishes.

NOTE: Please inform Darren or a Board Member if you are aware of the passing of any of our volunteers so that we can respond appropriately. With the size of our organization and fewer in-person gatherings we don’t have the information network of the past


New Business

No new business.

Old Business

Strategic Planning update - Karen Randall, Julie Bechtold, Kay Wimer, Gene Ranieri

Karen presented a draft of the RCMG Corporation Strategic Plan 2025-2027 which included the addition of action items needed to accomplish the previously approved Vision, Mission, Principles and Goals. The Board will present the draft to membership at the November meeting and vote to approve at the December Board Retreat.


2024 Board Leadership: Julie Bechtold (Chair), Kay Wimer (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Simba Blood (Education Chair), Gene Ranieri (Education Co-Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Chair), Tiffa Foster (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

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