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Board Blurb: September 2024


Prepared by Gretchen Hesli (2024 RCMG Secretary)

Summary for the September RCMG Board of Directors Meeting

The RCMG Board of Directors Meeting was held on September 10, 2024 on Zoom. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2024. Board meetings are open to all volunteers.


Committee Updates

Communications Committee Update – Nanette Boudreau

Our very talented volunteer Taylor Lee has created a Barn Garden Reel, which has been posted to Instagram. Watch Video

A photo shoot at the Barn Garden resulted in over 200 pictures uploaded to Flickr.

The committee is working to obtain non-profit accounts for both Flickr (a website that allows users to upload, share, and manage photos and videos online) and Canva (graphic design platform).

Education Committee Update – Simba Blood

The Education team has confirmed speakers for January through March, 2025 and set a general outline for the remainder of next year.

There was positive feedback to the “icebreaker” activity at the joint meeting last month. The committee hopes to provide a similar experience at monthly meetings to encourage in-person attendance. We’d like to get to know each other better in our huge organization!

Three Smooth Serviceberry trees have been purchased and delivered for the Emma Porter and Troy Sabean memorial planting at Lilac Hill in Roseville. A dedication ceremony is tentatively planned for October 6th.

Finance Committee Update – Laura Savin

Laura presented both the Fidelity Proposed Distribution Policy Fidelity Fund Proposed Distribution Policy 6/26/24 and a draft of the New Projects Grant Program Policy. The committee’s intent is to distribute some of the earnings from this fund for new projects for which volunteers could apply. A concern of the Board is whether, as we add new projects, we will be able to cover our existing ones (some of which—Yard Waste Sites for example—are vital to our program). The committee will take these concerns under consideration and return with updates.

Membership Committee Update – Karen Randall

Twenty-eight applications for the 2025 Intern class have been received to date. The deadline for applications is October 1, 2024.

Interviews are scheduled for October 15th – October 22nd and a SUG will be sent this week.

A reminder that the Fall Intern/Mentor celebration will be held on September 29th at 3PM at the Roseville Library. So far we have 35 registrations.


Leadership Updates

Secretary Update – Gretchen Hesli

The August Board Minutes were approved.

Treasurer Update– Kathy Passe

Kathy presented the August Treasurer’s Reports, both of which were approved.

Program Coordinator Update – Darren Lochner

Darren has taken over the distribution of both the internal and public newsletters. He is also following up with 2024 interns who are at risk for not completing their volunteer hours and core course requirements.

Chair and Vice-Chair Report

Vice-Chair Report – Kay Wimer

The election for 2025 Board positions and committee co-chairs is coming soon! A ballot will be emailed to all active and certified volunteers (including interns who have completed the Core Class and their 50 volunteer hours) beginning on October 16th. All votes must be in by midnight October 30th.

Chair Report– Julie Bechtold

No report.


New Business

RCMG website and photo naming convention - Nanette Boudreau, Stacy Sola

A discussion involved whether to include volunteer’s full names on outside-facing media. For example, a photo submitted could be credited to “RCMG Volunteer” or “RCMG Volunteer-Agnes” without a last name. The concern is obviously for the safety of those volunteers who prefer not to be visible publicly.

Further discussion will take place with a policy to be implemented at some point in the near future.

Old Business

Strategic Planning update - Karen Randall, Julie Bechtold, Kay Wimer, Gene Ranieri

At the August Board meeting the RCMG Corp vision, mission and guiding principles were approved.

Based on this document the committee distilled down 15 – 20 potential goal statements to three, by considering priorities, feasibility, and the corporation’s roles and responsibilities. Their recommendations goal statements were approved by the Board.


2024 Board Leadership: Julie Bechtold (Chair), Kay Wimer (Vice-Chair), Gretchen Hesli (Secretary), Kathy Passe, (Treasurer), Simba Blood (Education Chair), Gene Ranieri (Education Co-Chair), Karen Randall (Membership Chair), Tiffa Foster (Membership Co-Chair), Nanette Boudreau (Communication Chair), Stacy Sola (Communication Co-Chair), Darren Lochner (Program Coordinator).

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