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Coordinator Corner – June 2024

Updated: Jun 15, 2024


"It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside." – Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib, 1941

Message from the Coordinator

Thank you for all of your hard work with projects throughout Ramsey County. I know it has been a busy gardening season already. As we continue to volunteer at events, education programs and garden projects, please remember to be an ambassador and represent the Master Gardener Volunteer Program by wearing maroon shirts and/or Master Gardener gear and wearing your Master Gardener name badges. If you do not have a name badge please let me know I will order one for you.

The State Master Gardener Program website has some great tools for community engagement in addition to the Community Engagement module of the Horticulture Core Course.

Keep up the good work and hope to see many of you at the monthly meeting next week!


Upcoming Educational Events

Master Gardener Days—6/20-6/22

Don't miss the chance to visit the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska for a 3-day open house where you can enjoy formal and informal, scheduled and drop-in educational opportunities each day, as well as time to explore the beautiful gardens and natural spaces. It is also a good time to connect with your fellow Master Gardener Volunteers from around the state.

The event is FREE but you need to RSVP for each date you want to attend. Check out the schedule of topics available to you.

  • Thursday 6/20: Current IPM challenges, wetlands ecosystems, the Arboretum Foodscape, alternative lawns, Andersen Horticultural Library

  • Friday 6/21: Seeds of Knowledge and Healing exhibit, the Arboretum Foodscape, pollinator gardens, Andersen Horticultural Library, Peer-to-Peer Best Practices (tips for growing amazing tomatoes, exploring how community gardens feed communities, using the Children’s Garden in Residence and how volunteerism impacts communities)

  • Saturday 6/22: Honeybee hive exploration, the Arboretum Foodscape, Hosta glade tour, Andersen Horticultural Library, Peer-to-Peer Best Practices (tips for growing amazing tomatoes, exploring how community gardens feed communities, using the Children’s Garden in Residence and how volunteerism impacts communities)

Arboretum Entry Code

Remember that you can visit the Arborteum anytime as a Master Gardener. (Note: Does not apply to family or friends) The 2024 code for your free Arboretum gate reservation is MG2024. It’s good throughout the entire year while you maintain active volunteer status.

Garden Gate Tours–6/23, 7/14, 7/18 & More

Every year the Education Committee coordinates a series of seasonal garden tours. You are invited to visit a garden grown by other RCMG members this summer to get inspired, share gardening advice or just enjoy the view of the garden and yard they have developed. Space is limited and varies by the garden.

Check out SignUp Genius for specific tour dates and details.

Nature Heals Online Training

Register for the online-based Community Engagement Toolkit, Nature Heals. Within this toolkit, you will learn how connecting with nature is essential to human health and well-being. You will find opportunities to deepen your learning, understand the research supporting the healing power of nature, explore additional resources and apply your knowledge through activities.

Register online through the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Registration ends June 27; the course begins June 28.

This toolkit is available once per year. Don't miss the chance to learn about the health benefits of time in nature.


Jumping Worms at the Extension Office

Even though the worms haven’t been positively identified, the Barn Gardens team is taking steps to control the infestation. Please take a few minutes to read about their management plan and recommended safety precautions for volunteers.

We encourage all volunteers visiting the Barn gardens to follow these procedures.


DON'T FORGET – Pick-up Your Badges & Certificates

We still have some temporary name badges (for 2024 interns), official name badges and completion certificates (for 2023 internship graduates) and recognition stars and certificates available for pick-up inside the Resource Center (previously Diagnostic Clinic). Please find a time to collect yours.

If you are not able to visit the Extension office, contact Darren Lochner to arrange another method to get your badge or materials.


Volunteer Training Spotlight: Tell Your Volunteer Story

The bread and butter of a volunteer organization is telling people about all of the good work that we do. We need your help to do this! There are a lot of great stories about what RCMG does and we want to hear from you. To learn more about how to talk about your volunteering activities, you can review Darren’s slides or watch the recording.


Darren Lochner

RCMG Program Coordinator

Brianna Gohde

RCMG Volunteer Assistant

Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program


2020 White Bear Ave. Maplewood MN 55109

© 2024 by Ramsey County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. Proudly created with

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