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Deep-Rooted Wisdom – 3.5 stars


Interesting writing & good stories

The RCMG Book Club read and discussed Deep-rooted Wisdom: Skills and Stories From Generations of Gardeners by Augustus Jenkins Farmer at the September discussion on 9/27. A half dozen volunteers read the book and shared their thoughts in small group discussion.

Reader Poll

  1. Enjoyable—3.5 out of 5 stars

  2. Educational— 3.5 out of 5 stars

  3. Recommended—3.5 out of 5 stars

Reader Comments

What the readers said about this book:

  • I enjoyed the comments of this rather old-fashioned gardener (in some ways) and the inserts by his "teachers.".

  • The book has interesting writing and good stories.

  • I really liked the section about soil health and what I could try to improve my soil.

  • I liked reading about the found items that make their way into the gardens.

  • I wish the book had been written by someone in the northern US. It was hard to related to some of the stories if you didn't live down South or next to a swamp.

Remember that copies of this book and other Book Club titles are available to RCMG volunteer Lending Library inside the Diagnostic Clinic. Volunteers can earn 1-hour of Continuing Education per 100-pages in the recommended book. For example:

  • 1-100 pages = 1 hour of Continuing Education

  • 101-200 pages = 2 hours of Continuing Education

  • 201-300 pages = 3 hours of Continuing Education, etc

Next Book Club Discussion – November 29, 2022

The November Book of the Month is The Hidden Half of Nature by David Montgomery.

A riveting exploration of how microbes are transforming the way we see nature and ourselves. Prepare to set aside what you think you know about yourself and microbes. The Hidden Half of Nature tells the story of our tangled relationship with microbes and their potential to revolutionize agriculture and medicine, from garden to gut.

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