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Garden Gate Tours: Barn Demonstration Gardens

On Sunday, July 28, the Barn Demonstration Gardens Committee hosted a Garden Gate Tour


In addition to Master Gardeners, the event was expanded to include interested members of the community. The Garden Gate Tour was listed on the RCMG website so that anyone could sign up for the tour. The event was also promoted via some of the Speaker’s Bureau classes and on RCMG social media.

Although it was a very hot and sticky day, there was a decent turnout. A total of ten community members signed up for the tour and, of that number, six attended. All of the individuals lived in the Maplewood area and were curious to learn more about the gardens. Many said they had driven by the area but had no idea that the gardens were there. The participants had many gardening questions and spent approximately 30-40 minutes touring the gardens and speaking with the Master Gardeners assigned to each garden area. There were also four RCMG’s who attended the Tour.

Because of the positive responses received from the participants, the event was considered a success. It was a fitting start to the Barn Demonstration Gardens Committee’s long-range goal of bringing more people from the community into the garden space to learn about what we do and to provide opportunities for gardening education and hands-on learning.

In the coming year, these types of tours will be offered to the community on a more frequent basis. We've added a form to the RCMG website for members of the public to Request A Tour. For an optimum experience, we currently recommend this for groups between 10-15 people. Please help spread the word!

Nancy Berry

RCMG Volunteer

Co-Chair Barn Demonstration Gardens

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