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Thank You from the Plant Sale Committee

Thanks to everyone who helped on the 2023 Plant Sale!

Volunteers Make the Difference

Over 40% of RCMG helped on the annual plant sale.

Whether you started seeds, divided houseplants, transplanted plugs and natives, fostered flats of seedlings, set up or monitored the hoop house, worked on communications related to the sale, collected boxes, shared wagons, helped during the set-up week or worked the day of the Plant Sale, your efforts made the Plant Sale a great success and we thank you!

Don't forget to record the hours you spent helping on the plant sale! Compared to past years, only 50% of the hours have been entered. We need to submit a report about the sale and need to know how much time volunteers donated. Please help us and record your time.

New in 2023

Children's tools

We introduced garden gloves and kid-sized trowels and hand rakes at the 2023 plant sale, along with several other non-plant items. The kid-friendly items jumped off the shelf! It's great to see so much enthusiasm for getting children into the garden.

Share a Plant $4 donation slip

"Share a Plant" Program

Inspired by the tear-away donation slips at grocery stores, RCMG created the "Share a Plant" program. This invited shoppers to make a $4 donation that would be used to purchase a plant that would be given to a gardener-in-need. This turned out to be incredibly popular!

Shoppers bought almost 200 plants, which were donated to residents through RCMG projects like Gardens for Good, High Rise Garden Mentors, MSS Garden Club, and the Barn Food Shelf Donation Garden.

Fun Facts

Here are some fun stats from the 2023 plant sale.

  • Items for Sale: 6,287 (almost 25% more than 2022)

    • 60% of plants were purchased from wholesales (40% were grown by volunteers)

    • 33% of plants were MN Natives (20% were annuals, 13% Tomatoes & 10% Houseplants)

  • 900 shoppers visited the sale (500 in the first 90 minutes!)

  • 180 shoppers made donations to the "Share a Plant" program

  • Our combined efforts helped to raise almost $20,000 for RCMG projects, infrastructure and growth

Share your Feedback

Please let us know what you think worked well and what changes will help make next year’s event even better. If you want to be part of the Plant Sale Team, we would love to have you join us.

Kudos to the Committee Members

The Plant Sale would not have become a reality without the support, hard work, creativity and dedication of the amazing members of the Plant Sale Team: Cheryl Brady (committee chair), Brenda Anderson-Moser, Joe Baltrukonis, Julie Bechtold, Mary Bejblik, Simba Blood, Nanette Boudreau, Susie DeShon, Brianna Gohde, Laurie Holmberg, Amy Jacky, Judy Johnson, Mindy Johnson, Debbie Lee, Gail Lee, Linda Minter, Carla Olson, Molly O'Rourke, Mary Parenteau, Jennifer Porwit, Kristine Ranieri, Diana Rankin, Cherie Skildum, Kay Wimer & Ann Wolfe.

Thanks again to everyone for your support!

Cheryl Brady

2023 Plant Sale Committee Chair

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